Sunday, March 28, 2010

My trip in California

I was going to follow up on my last post before I realized that it would be the most boring post ever and unless you lived under a rock you would know that Cornell lost to Kentucky. Moving on.

For spring break I went out to California to visit my friend Steve, who is a year older than me and is currently studying at Stanford. We had the same course of study in undergrad (environmental engineering) and through some strange scheduling mishap, he took all junior level classes his senior year (and thus, how we became such good friends). So Steve, his roommate and I took a trip down the california coast line. We drove down highway 1 (often regarded as one of the great American roadtrips), seeing the entire coastline. I was planning on keeping a journal to post. Instead I tweeted the whole trip until my phone died on the second to last day.

Well, the phone didn't exactly die. It only worked if you plugged it into a wall, effectively making it the least useful cellphone ever.

Here are the tweets

Sitting in airports is a pretty lonely experience

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Screw BU, Kentucky Too!

And tonight Cornell Big Red Basketball plays Kentucky in the sweet sixteen. We have somewhat of a home field advantage, because the game is in Syracuse. Go Big Red!

P.S. I have a post from my travels in Cali ready go to for tomorrow

Monday, March 15, 2010

Best New York Song?

From Bill Simmons:

Speaking of songs, I spent the past few days in New York City and decided that Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" was one of the five most brilliant songs ever made. It's like Jay made the decision: "It's 2009 … I've made enough money, I've cemented my legacy, I married Beyonce … really, I guess the only thing left would be to supplant Sinatra with the No. 1 New York-centric go-to song that (A) goes through someone's head every time they walk around Manhattan, and (B) gets played before and after every New York sporting event for the next 25 years, and if that's not enough, becomes a mortal lock to get played at Manhattan clubs once an hour for the rest of eternity. Tough task, but I think I can pull it off. I'm Jay-Z."

Friday, March 12, 2010

Only requirement: Bring Pizza...

Monday, March 08, 2010

The easiest 10 bucks you'll ever make

So a buddy of mine, Justin, found this website that has a training plan that supposedly works you towards being able to do 100 pushups in a row in six weeks. He is taking bets on whether or not we think that we can do it, having 10 dollars for and 10 dollars against.

Most of my friends (also some of the more rational and bet savvy people I know) are adamant that he CAN'T do it (and thus bet $10 against him). He (a fairly driven and inshape person) is adamant that he CAN do it. He has a contract and bet list outside of his room. We had a party last weekend and somehow he convinced a ton of people to bet on him for this challenge.

The Stakes: He has six weeks (As of last week) to train and do the pushups in front of no fewer than two people. His legs can never touch the ground and can only rest in the top position of the pushup. If he fails on one attempt, he has 24 hours to reattempt to complete the feat. If he fails, the bettors on the right side of the line get the spoils.

I am slightly torn on which way to bet. On one hand, he can currently do at least 25 pushups in a row. To do 100 in a row, it would have to be a 400% increase in pushup capacity over six weeks. This seems like a lot, but it may be analogous to increasing the amount that you can run from 1 mile to 4 miles over 6 weeks. That is very doable.

On the other hand, pushups are really hard. I workout fairly often, and I'll sometimes actually do a 100 pushup challenge at the end of the week. The first time I did it, it took me 10 minutes and 30 seconds (with stoppage). The last time I've done it, it took me 7 minutes to do them (with stoppage). As Josh says, "If Vanish can't do it, Justin can't do it. Thats my reasoning." While I appreciate the sentiment, I still concede that Justin may be in better shape than I am. That fact aside, doing pushups is again, really hard (harder than running). I think that it will take more than just three workouts a week for six weeks (18 workouts) to be able to do 100 pushups straight.

The Verdict: I don't think he can do it, even if he does stay disciplined and do all of the workouts. Its just not enough work to build up to 100 pushups.

What do you think? Do you think he can do it? Let me know!

Saturday, March 06, 2010

100th post

Wow. Post 100. I really don't have much to say about it except for the fact that this number equals my readership times 100. Because its been a while since I've posted, I'll go on ahead and do this:

Blogging: I clearly haven't done a whole lot in terms of blogging here. posting quick posts (microblogging) on twitter have taken up many of the one liners I usually post here. However, I have written a post for my buddy's Non-profit company, Life Changing Apparel. We'll wait to see whether or not he likes it because he presented it during his team meeting today. I've been posting a lot for catchy song of the day. I don't actually post anything interesting, just music. It is awesome though because we have a couple of legitimate bands now following us. Hopefully we can do something about that.

Next Year: I am graduating college this May. I am fortunate enough to have options for next year, but I don't want to jinx anything. I'll update when things are set in stone.

Intramural sports: My basketball team was awful this year. I'm not sure whether that is because we accidentally signed up for the competitive league or if its because we were terrible at basketball. Regardless, we went 2-3 and missed the playoffs. I do have high hopes for softball, though. Our team name is going to be "No game this week." Hopefully people just don't show up for our games.

Poker night: Cancelled indefinitely, due to lack of chips, lack of cards, and lack of players.


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