Saturday, March 06, 2010

100th post

Wow. Post 100. I really don't have much to say about it except for the fact that this number equals my readership times 100. Because its been a while since I've posted, I'll go on ahead and do this:

Blogging: I clearly haven't done a whole lot in terms of blogging here. posting quick posts (microblogging) on twitter have taken up many of the one liners I usually post here. However, I have written a post for my buddy's Non-profit company, Life Changing Apparel. We'll wait to see whether or not he likes it because he presented it during his team meeting today. I've been posting a lot for catchy song of the day. I don't actually post anything interesting, just music. It is awesome though because we have a couple of legitimate bands now following us. Hopefully we can do something about that.

Next Year: I am graduating college this May. I am fortunate enough to have options for next year, but I don't want to jinx anything. I'll update when things are set in stone.

Intramural sports: My basketball team was awful this year. I'm not sure whether that is because we accidentally signed up for the competitive league or if its because we were terrible at basketball. Regardless, we went 2-3 and missed the playoffs. I do have high hopes for softball, though. Our team name is going to be "No game this week." Hopefully people just don't show up for our games.

Poker night: Cancelled indefinitely, due to lack of chips, lack of cards, and lack of players.


You could have turned that into 5 posts over 5 days - material is in the eye of the beholder.

Discuss pros and cons of options for next year, digging your car out of the snow, what you're not going to miss about COrnell next year, etc. It is erroneous to think of a blog as merely something for an audience to read - it is a diary for you yourself to look back on next year and remember 'oh yeah, that did happen, or that was a priority, etc.'
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