Monday, December 21, 2009


I was thinking long and hard about my traditions, and I realized that I don't have many. My family does the whole turkey on thanksgiving and christmas morning present unwrapping thing, but outside of that I only have: thanksgiving football game, "Black Friday" pizza hut buffet (possibly my favorite: my friends from back home go to the pizza hut buffet and see who can eat the most slices on the day after thanksgiving. Unfortunately, we've only done it two or three times, and lately its degraded into us raiding the breadsticks and not eating any of the slices. When did we become old?), and Football Sundays (not really a tradition, I just like watching football on Sundays). Its pathetic! I think I also have "micro-traditions." This is like singing little chants and pacing when the Mets are down late in the game, but I may have "micro-traditions" confused with "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" or "panic attacks."

I've been trying to start traditions with both my friends at school and my friends back home. Its tough with my friends back home because life starts getting in the way. While at school, movie night lasted about 2 weeks, we get a smattering of people on football sunday (though its usually me and J, and J is usually passed out on the couch for 3-5 hours), Dawson's December (a couple of us have been watching Dawson's creek episodes, I may explain in another post but otherwise, please don't ask) has only lasted 4 episodes, and videogames. Video games is less of a tradition and more of an obsession with some of my friends, so I really don't have a choice but to play.

I think that traditions are a cool way to get people to stay in touch. I think we will need them as we start getting older and life starts getting in the way. Its reassuring to know that while you're in rushhour traffic to your post college job to know that "theres always ____to look forward to."

don't forget our haunted house halloween tradition!! hopefully that will live on years to come..
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