Sunday, February 08, 2009

A series of questions that I would ask anybody that I thought I might be in love with

Here is an excerpt:

Question 4. You are reading a book in the loo, on the toilet. It isn't a classic, or a particularly popular book, but you enjoy reading it. You are done pooping and really have to get going, except there is no toilet paper left. You have the option of tearing out the next page of the book, which you haven't yet read, and using it as toilet paper. You are not allowed to read the next page before you use it, nor are you ever allowed to read it in the future if you take this option. If you want to read the next page, you have to go about for the rest of the day without ever having used toilet paper. Nobody will know, but you will be mildly uncomfortable and very paranoid for the rest of the day. Do you wipe?

Question 10. Scientists and behavioral psychologists have come up with a way to make a monkey butler. You have the option of getting a monkey that will do everything that you never want to do. It will clean, buy groceries, drive you around and throw poo at people you don't like amongst other things. The monkey never dies, so you will never have to lift a finger again. Unfortunately, a side effect of having the monkey is that you will forever begin conversations with very uncomfortable and nonsensical questions. "How were your bowel movements today, Boss?" "This is our first date, do you mind if I bite your ear off?" Do you take the monkey?

Question 23. An ailment has been inflicted across America, and you have to choose one of the following options. Option 1: You sing "Come on Eileen" in its entirety everytime you orgasm. Option 2: You orgasm every time you hear the word "Waffles." Which ailment do you choose?

I am taking answers now, in the comments and at


11) You are giving a tour to potential students and walk by a fraternity. There is a lull in the conversation - you have an option to maintain the lull via silence or interject that the fraternity you belong to obtains its power through hamsters in the basement running on wheels. Which do you choose?

Suggest: focus this energy and creativity on meal plans.
4) No. I need to know what happens!!

11) No. Fuck the monkey. I'm awkward enough as it is.

23?) WAFFLES!! Hell to the YES. I would live in a waffle house.
And by 11) i meant 10)
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