Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Finally a Weekend Trip
If I were to go abroad to some exotic country, I would go to African countries with awesome names, like Ghana and Sudan. I would do this so that I could say, "Whatcha Ghana do?" and "There I was, when Sudanly..." These are awesome. Kenya think of anymore? (see what I did there?)
I went up to Cornell this weekend, and met a lot of the new rushees/pledges. There were so many. Last I heard, we got 28 (JEESUS) out of 30 (and might get all 30). That is an absurd amount, considering the past two years we got 15 and 15 with me being 1/3 of the diversity. The guysI met seemed like good kids, so to any bros that read this: Great job. Too bad there is NO WAY I am going to learn all of those names next semester...
Regardless, I am excited for them. They are about to embark on a special journey, with cheap beer, cute girls, fast women, manhood and questionable encounters (with each other). I wish them luck.
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