Thursday, April 02, 2009
You shall not pass
For the life of me, I do not understand why some people on the highway are such jerks. Furthermore, these drivers have some sort of affinity to rush hour (7-9 AM, 4-6 PM) that enhances their jerk-i-ness.
For example, there are three lanes on a highway. But, due to what I can only suspect was terrible engineering, the third lane ends during a particularly crowded stretch of highway. The obvious thing to do would be for everybody to line up in the two lanes that will remain and wait their turn. Unfortunately, some people decide that they are above common sense and civil respect, and fly through the rightmost ending lane and cut the line at the last second as their lane veers into a local town. Thus, these people are jerks.
As a young man and upstanding citizen, I had decided to take the law into my own hands and deal with these jerks myself. I decided to drive in the lane next to the vanishing lane and drive so close to the driver in front of me so that no jerk driver would be able to cut in. The reason I mentioned that I am a young man is because I have reflexes like a cat and I can respond to sudden changes of speed by the car in front of me.
I kept this up for a while. I was pretty successful at balancing three things: stopping people from cutting in the line directly in front of me, almost getting hit by cars because they really wanted to cut in front of me, and honking back at them as they honked to say hi as they drived by.
Eventually I cut this out. First of all, it is way to hard to concentrate on listening to 101.9 the center for classic rock, alternative rock, and hits while I am single handedly fighting injustice on the highway. Second of all, these drivers would get in eventually, whether in front of me, or behind me.
I think that the main reason I stopped is because one time I stopped someone from cutting in and they eventually got behind me. I looked to see who it was. Once it was a frantic father. The next time it was a 17 year old. Another time it was an old woman. Knowing who these people were was too much for me. I think this is why superheroes wear masks.
There is a line on that reads: "Things to stick up for: the sanctity of the line. Whether someone cuts in with their hoof or car, reject them, hard. The mob will back you up." I have found this to be untrue, the mob will rarely, if ever, back you up.
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