Friday, June 29, 2007

Allow me to reintroduce myself...

Here I am, on a Friday night, rocking out to a song "joyride" by victrola for sale. This is sad for two reasons. 1) Its a friday night. I should be out, living life and pouncing on females, as any strapping young male would do, and 2) because its probably the second most awful song I've ever heard.

So this is my blog. I used to have a lot of other posts on this that I put up in high school, but I deleted them all because I was a little emotional child with issues, and the posts reflected that, and I didn't want you folks having to put up with it.

This blog is an attempt to regain my lost writing abilities. As a Cornell Undergrad, all will and passion to write about anything was violently ripped from my soul and replaced with physics equations, mathematical quandries and the hope that I will someday be able to do a handstand. Now I vow to, atleast during the summer, let my writing flourish a little more than it was able to at Cornell. Blogging allows for... more freedom and versatility. I guess I don't really expect anybody to read this, because it won't be a really revolutionary blog, like Post Secret or a really incredible idea like Digg or even something funny like Overheard. Though this will serve as a portal for me to share my thoughts, ideas, news, and sites like those.

But will anybody read? If this metaphorical tree falls in the internet, will it make a sound?

So, as the answer with most of life's questions, we'll see.


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